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this might be dead due to work load and other factors but i hope it revives... question have you thourght about making this an infequent commison slot or something simalar? just mentioning because it seems like just letting this die is a waste.

Is it topping only as male? Haven't had the option for anything else.


Shame this got cancelled, looked very promising, would have loved to make something like this myself but i suck at art, :<


I'm sorry I didn't find this sooner as I'm actually enjoying it (although I'm having trouble reading it for long periods of time).  It is a huge project, that's true - especially for a solo developer but if you really want to continue to work on, you still could.  I doubt anyone here would mind longer wait times between updates (well.. not years, of course).  Just break it up into chunks (ignoring sound entirely - that should be done last anyway).  Nonetheless, if the project is permanently dead, while unfortunate, it is also understandable.

(1 edit)

why did it get canceled :'(


The scale of the project was too large for me to do on my own. Between art assets, coding, writing, editing, get sound effects, then beta testing, it would take me months to make the smallest amount of content. At that pace it would take me years to finish, and it just wasn't realistic


All right, I didn't expect this game to be so well made! Please, continue, I can't get enough of the storytelling and artstyle :)

dang,  this looked really good


Dam I was hoping to hopp on when it was finished

(1 edit) (+8)(-1)

So you gave up on the project, that's sad loved the art and story to this -_-

the mission to repair the church seems to be glitch out somehow.
i find dorzakk there but he should be back in place of fenna for the time being.
the conversation appears to be stuck in a loop as well with no apparent way to get out of it.

just a suggestion, perhaps you could implement an exit for conversations. it might not fix the underline issue but it'd be a nice temporary patch at the very least.

its definitely a game that looks like its got plenty of potential though.
from what i gather at least it kind of has a skyrim/fallout vibe with a slight hint of that adult content magic splashed here and there like a nice spice.

Love the foundation you've got going, hope this gets to the point of having a patreon.

(1 edit) (+1)

The creator actually does have a Patreon here, which should probably have been advertised on this page. The creator has put the game on indefinite hiatus though, so it may be dead. Hopefully he starts working on it again sometime down the road.


Will there be a android version

This is really cool, i love the artwork and the characters. If i had any feedback specifically id say the  rumor option for further info is a bit odd- feels very old school to type things in ans see if the character knows anything but i never know what to ask, and when i try i don't seem to get any response :/

(1 edit) (+1)

That function is very bare bones at the moment which is why there's a lack of responses. I'll be expanding it going forward but it likely won't be a mandatory feature to completely the game. I also plan to possibly highlight keywords during general conversations as hints about what you can/should ask.

(2 edits) (+1)

1. Love the style and the premise. Also love the option of dire serpents as PC. I wish there were insects or arachnids as well, but that's a fairly exotic option and I don't really expect it to come up.

2. The leveling system is a bit strange - the best way to level up seems to be staying in the starting tavern, picking flowers and beating up goblins. Each flower costs 2 points, each shoe also costs 2. As goblins are the easiest enemies, it is by far the  most efficient method.

3. An occultist PC doesn't seems to start with any spells. It might be a good idea to add different starting skills to different classes.

4. There seems to be a lot of missing commas, especially before PC's name. When addressing someone, there should be a comma before or after a name.

"Hi, %name%" and "%name%, hi". These are most frequently missing.

Sometimes the descriptions - such as the prologue - read smoothly, sometimes they seem choppy. I suggest you find an auxiliary writer/beta. I assume the text will be polished as the development goes along.

5. "Length" is simply not a good word, it's very reminiscent of paperback romance novels. It's better than "manhood" or "knob", but still. Please consider just using "dick". //Edit: a matter of taste, I admit. I will probably get used to it.

6. Here's to hoping a skeleton romance will be possible.


7. After Fenn agreed to help Lyra, I got her a room, and went to temple, somehow there's a scene where Darzakk is helping Lyra instead, and it's a looped conversation.

1. Maybe in the future. It's relatively easy for me to add new races at the moment. Though that'll be more difficult if I add some other features I've been considering.

2. That's largely because I haven't fleshed out more encounters. It's intentionally easy to level at the moment because the game is in beta and buggy. Saves might end up bugged, crashes and loss of progress are very possible. So you can just pick flowers freely if you don't mind taking a little time to grind.

3. Occultist isn't a starting class. Which is probably a little weird. Your starting 'class' is actually defined by your race. Your job and personality work like traits in Divinity or background in D&D. They provide unique dialogue options and that's about it.

4. I'll look into the comma issue. I can't afford a beta writer though so this is what people get. I'm doing all the art, writing and coding on my own so although I'd love to have thing really polished, but it's just not likely going to happen. I will always go through and edit things when they're brought to my attention though!

5. Sorry, that's one thing I likely won't change. Porn writing sucks. There's no good word for penis or vagina, period. No acceptions. Dick and Cock create a harsh consonant sound in the middle of a sentence which I find distracting. It just breaks the flow. Like you said, knob and manhood are just weird. Etc. So Length and Shaft are going to be the most common for me to use. But I'm not happy about any option tbh. \o/

6. You can count on it.

7. That's a bug I'll have fixed in the next build. I put in the wrong name in one tiny place and now that whole sequence is borked.

Thanks so much for all the feedback! This is really help and I greatly appreciate it! ^^

And thanks to you for answering! I'm very excited re: 6 in particular. My sympathies re: 5. Yeah, I've been there.

I'm very tempted to volunteer some help with writing, but I'm not a native English speaker, even if my grammar is pretty decent, so I'm not sure whether you'd want it (or any help at all, for that matter). 

I'm always very grateful for edits/corrections if people are willing to take the time. If you see any weird grammar or spelling issues just throw me a screenshot or the original line and a correction. I'll do my best to get them in! I do feel guilty accepting the free labor but I'm also not going to turn it down.

Deleted 4 years ago

Thanks so much! This is a  huge help. I just got done making the changes, so they should be live for the next update!

I'm always happy to have any suggestions or content. If you want to submit anything like that you can do so
I can't promise that I'll put everything that's sent in but I'm always open to more flavor text and personalization!

Thank you again for taking so much time to do these edits. This seriously helps a ton! I know I waffled a lot on the tense during the beginning especially but I'm gonna try to be more attentive about staying in present tense going forward.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

Thanks for letting me know. I'll have the bug fixed next update. I forgot to swap a variable update when selecting female which causes the crash

I think it happens to any race, not just kobold, I cant get past race selection without that error. Idk if that makes a difference coding-wise, just figured I should report it.

This has great potential to be one of my favorites so far. 

Thanks. I appreciate it ^^

I tried to use the option to learn from Dorzakk, but it didn't work??? 

Can you give me some more details? What happened? Did you get an error report or a crash?

It said "An exception has occured" along with a bunch of files. There are soooooo many. They don't fit with the word limit so I can't send them altogether. If you want, I can send them seperately.

If you can just throw the last 10 or so lines that should be enough

File "game/script.rpy", line 816, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy) from _call_scene_battle_setup
  File "game/script.rpy", line 948, in script call
    call scene_battle_loop(_weather_active) from _call_scene_battle_loop
  File "game/script.rpy", line 1264, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 75, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_ambush = True) from _call_scene_battle_setup_6
  File "game/script.rpy", line 948, in script call
    call scene_battle_loop(_weather_active) from _call_scene_battle_loop
  File "game/script.rpy", line 1264, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 55, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_11
  File "game/script.rpy", line 948, in script call
    call scene_battle_loop(_weather_active) from _call_scene_battle_loop
  File "game/script.rpy", line 1264, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 44, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_4
  File "game/script.rpy", line 948, in script call
    call scene_battle_loop(_weather_active) from _call_scene_battle_loop
  File "game/script.rpy", line 1264, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/scenes_last_drop.rpy", line 796, in script call
    call talk_dorzakk(_t,True) from _call_talk_dorzakk_1
  File "game/scenes_last_drop.rpy", line 835, in script call
    call talk_dorzakk("Anything else ya need?", _in) from _call_talk_dorzakk_4
  File "game/scenes_last_drop.rpy", line 796, in script call
    call talk_dorzakk(_t,True) from _call_talk_dorzakk_1

Which option did you select? I can't seem to find what would cause this

(1 edit) (+1)

I really like the game but hit a problem. I heal the orc's arms then sent the minotauress to the other town after getting her a room key to help Lyra. Now I'm stuck in a loop with Lyra thanking Dorzakk instead of Fenna when I sent her to help. Hope it will be fixed in the next build.


I've got that fixed now, next build should correct this. ><

(1 edit)

this gets better and better with each update, massive thanks for allowing the player to be trans, i miss when you were able to be a wererat though :/

also, do you plan on adding any scenes with fenna?


Right now only a limited amount of playable races are in game, and wererats actually are in game right now. They are in the catagory of Lycanthrope, named Dire Murin.


Wererats are now under Lycanthrope, Dire Murin.

Fenna will definitely having some more scenes going forwards. She's actually one of the characters I have most solidified in my head.

nevermind i'm stupid, figured that out a bit after posting my comment XD

can't wait to see wherre this is going on the next update, your writing is p good, feels like i'm playing dnd

The word limit when asking Squeeb cause you cannot ask him some keyword s like vergesseneburg

And the word size is a bit too small for reading

Even when full screened?

English is not my primary language so I often feel not good reading so many sentence that stuck together. Perhaps is the problem of the font. It just feel words stick together badly.

That's a bug, it'll be fixed in the next build. =)

Since the game runs on renpy, the PC build has a .sh file, that should be able to run the game on Linux, so could you please tag it with Linux support and set it up so that the itch client runs the .sh file? Hopefully that shouldn't be too much trouble.

I'll upload a linux version next build. I wont' be messing around with the itch client for a bit though.

Your projekt is awsome! I`d love to see it`s growing :D


Thanks ^^ I'm in the middle of a bigger update so hopefully I'll have that done soon

Quick question.

Is there  anywhere to see information regarding stats and such?

Not currently. Because I'm still tweaking the system and figuring out what feels right I haven't set up a proper tutorial or explanation yet. Once I get things polished I'll set up a proper description of everything


I really like this! It's an rpg with dnd vibes with romance!

I have to compliment you on your writing. It's just marvelous! I expected something simple, but your sentence structure is anything but. It's complex and original. I really enjoy it! You do well setting up the scene and it feels like I'm listening to a DM!

Great job! I hope you develop this more and will keep an eye out.


Thanks so much. I DM pretty regularly so I'm really glad to hear that's coming out in the writing ^^


love this game, i hope you continue working on it! although in the future will there be romance options?


That's the current plan

In future build, will player get game over after got defeated and need to load a previous save to continue? Right now after got beaten up by werewolf, from the text I think player got eatten? Yet player still wake up in The Last Drop?

And good luck developing! This game have so much potential!


I haven't totally figured out how I'm going to handle defeat. I don't think I'm going to do something as harsh as loading a save. But I'm probably going to have the player lose a few not equipped items.

Thanks for the support ^^

Hello, take what I say with a grain of salt because I haven't played the game yet

One challenging aspect of a 'death mechanic' is how to handle it properly. You could just revert to a save, but that is the mainstream of how death is handled and makes death sort of have no consequence aside from having to redo what you already did. You technically didn't 'lose' progress in the game because you just revert back to before you did it and can just retrace your steps to get it back.

A solution to this could be to be sent back to a starting area and losing items, this is also done in many games like in minecraft, terreria, and runescape. It gives death actual consequence, but something like this doesn't make much sense in a more story-driven game. The games I mentioned are more sandbox-like games where that sort of thing makes more sense, but there is a way to get around that limit, and it's by adapting the 'respawn/revive' mechanic into the narrative of the game, like in runescape it's loosely explained as simply 'it's not your time adventurer, return to life' and in bioshock there are actual reviver stations tied into the game. 

To throw narrative ideas, perhaps the player character gets into possession of some ancient artifact that revives them after they die, pulling their revived body back to where they wake up. Perhaps they come across a monster or some other supernatural being that is capable of reviving them in exchange for some sort of service, maybe they grow attached to the player or they need the player's help to escape too. 

I said all this because if you're still struggling on ideas for a death mechanic, I'm hoping this could help spur some ideas to help improve your game.

Thanks, I appreciate the suggestions. The game itself is going to be fairly story driven and narrative by the nature of being built in RenPy. It will use a lot of RPG style mechanics to guide the players to certain story beats. This ends up creating the issue I'm having where reverting to a previous save is overly punishing and tedious for the narrative side. But simply respawning is to lenient for the RPG side.

I'm currently still leaning towards doing a combination where the player reverts to a save location, and loses some items. Possibly add some kind of negative 'post death' debuff but I'll have to test that to see if it feels right or not.

Deleted 1 year ago

Definitely gonna add more top and bottom options but I'm going to avoid defeated sex scenes

fair enough sounds great, looking forward to your next release.


I'm digging this, but I really feel like the default text could really use some better formatting. Having 4 lines of bigger text would be great, the potential 7 lines of tiny text that can hit you early on are a bit much.

So glad to see this updated! I thought it had die

I'm noticing the game is crashing after I click explore short after I load the game 

Are you loading a save from a previous version?

yes but I tied making a new one but it also crashed ...

Can you post the crash report?


do you mean to copy the BB code ?

Yeah if you can that will help me figure out what's causing the crash


Is there a way to bottom for enemies you defeat?


Not yet but I do plan on adding that option as soon as I can

how many sex scenes are there?

(1 edit)

12 currently

IS there more 


There are some newer releases on my patreon, but no new public build yet. I'll be posting an update hopefully soon. I'm making a lot of changes to core systems and mechanics so it's taking a little longer then I'd hoped to clean things up.

is this going to be a RPG type game or something ?


More or less a choose your own adventure with RPG elements


I have some feedback . will there be an option to be human ?  will we be able to customise our characters appearance ? will there be images of the monsters when they are aroused ? also I think making the levelling up system more understandable and easy would be good . also there are a lot of random points in the forests , I don't know if you pn in the future to make more specific locations or not . also , when asking the rat about something I think it shouldn't be type anything but rather the questions come up according to the different quests and storylines you have triggered . that's all for now . sorry if I spoke nonsense .

(1 edit) (+1)

I'll likely add more race options and a bit more character customization as the game develops. I am working on some mechanics at the moment for altering your appearance.

I have things coded so I can add alternate images for normal enemies, injured enemies, aroused enemies and injured+aroused enemies. I don't know when or if I'll end up doing that or not, just because of the amount of extra work that'll be for me. I'm doing all the art, programming and writing on my own and doing alt versions of all the monsters will get pretty overwhelming pretty quickly. I'd really like to do them though so who knows, I might get on a big art kick and do a big update of the enemies sometime.

Level Up system has been tweaked in some of the patreon builds so next public update will hopefully improve some clarity issues.

When speaking with NPCs there will be specific options for major dialogue and quests. The rumors option is there so you can get additional lore and/or clues about other areas and people. If I had individual dialogue options for everything it would get cluttered and people would be compelled to spam through each option without much purpose. I'd also have to add a bunch of checks to see if the player had already learned about X thing before asking about it further which would also get messy.

Thanks for the feedback. I hope the next build improves on these issues ^^

thanks for the reply!!! very excited to see how the game progresses !!!


Man, so much of the display and ui remind me of Darkest Dungeon.

Android build? Looks really good!

(1 edit) (+1)

Not super likely for Android, I'm not really intending to do multiple builds outside of Mac and PC

Pretty immediate bug I've found in 1.1

Every dialogue option that leads me to scavenge in the intro to the game ends up in a broken gamestate where the bag icon pops up with no text either there or in the normal textbox, I can't open the menu to get out of it and I can't advance through it. It's only been for male characters so far and I haven't tried being female yet but that stops me from being able to get anywhere with the game.


You have to click the bag and equip the stick to continue

After doing the quest and opening the inventory:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 640, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy) from _call_scene_battle_setup
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 82, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_ambush = True) from _call_scene_battle_setup_6
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/scavenge_forest.rpy", line 51, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy) from _call_scene_battle_setup_1
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_4
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/scavenge_forest.rpy", line 61, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_pc_ambush = True) from _call_scene_battle_setup_2
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 60, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_11
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 60, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_11
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 60, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_11
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 60, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_11
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 60, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_11
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_4
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_4
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 60, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_11
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/scavenge_forest.rpy", line 51, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy) from _call_scene_battle_setup_1
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 60, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_11
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_4
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 47, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_4
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 73, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_eq_acc = _a,_eq_torso = _t,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_5
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 60, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False) from _call_scene_battle_setup_11
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_beach.rpy", line 27, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right) from _call_scene_battle_setup_7
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_beach.rpy", line 27, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right) from _call_scene_battle_setup_7
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_beach.rpy", line 27, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right) from _call_scene_battle_setup_7
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_beach.rpy", line 27, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right) from _call_scene_battle_setup_7
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/encounter_forest.rpy", line 31, in script call
    call scene_battle_setup pass (_en = _enemy,_con = chooseCondition(),_ambush = False,_eq_right = _eq_right,_eq_acc = _eq_acc) from _call_scene_battle_setup_3
  File "game/script.rpy", line 959, in script call
    call scene_battle_end pass (_e) from _call_scene_battle_end # from _call_scene_battle_end
  File "game/scenes_forest.rpy", line 47, in script
  File "game/inventory_screens.rpy", line 15, in execute
    screen inventory_screen():
  File "game/inventory_screens.rpy", line 15, in execute
    screen inventory_screen():
  File "game/inventory_screens.rpy", line 173, in execute
  File "game/inventory_screens.rpy", line 178, in execute
    if selected_item != None:
  File "game/inventory_screens.rpy", line 179, in execute
    add inventory[selected_item][0].img pos (6,6)
IndexError: list index out of range

Hmmm.... I must've not reset selected_item or forgot a check somewhere. Thanks for letting me know. I'll look into it as soon as I get home.

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